Why use ISENZ?

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Advantages for students

Choosing to study abroad means making lots of big decisions and arrangements. What school or university to apply for, what course to study, how to enrol, how to gain a student visa, where to live… There is a lot to consider!

ISENZ takes the hassle out of arranging study in New Zealand by providing students with free advice and guidance in finding the best institution and course of study for them. ISENZ assists students with enrolment, accommodation and on-going support.

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Advantages for agents

ISENZ can help your students gain access to an extensive selection of schools and institutions in New Zealand. We represent 30+ secondary schools, and four of New Zealand’s largest and most prestigious universities. We also have contracts with a large number of Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics, Private Training Establishments and English Language Schools.

With a single contract agents can gain access to all of our institutions. Why worry about contracts with each of them?

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Advantages for schools and institutions

Part of our service is to actively promote our schools and institutions to the international market. We promote our institutions via our print materials (brochure, flyers), online marketing (website, Google marketing, social media, e-newsletters), offshore Education Agents, and direct contact with prospective students. ISENZ now has an extensive alumni with whom we keep in regular contact.

We don’t cost anything unless we successfully enrol a student at your school, so why wouldn’t you take advantage of that?

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What people are saying about ISENZ

Brilliant! Thank yo so much! You’ve been most helpful, and I am very happy with the theme and your service! Thank you again! (for sure, I’ll recommend you further)
TopGradeEnglish, buyer of our products
Your template design has been one of the easiest WordPress template integration projects for me to date. Thank your such a well designed theme and terrific support!
Design-first, buyer of our products

To find out how ISENZ can help you, get in touch with us.