Why use ISENZ?

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Advantages for Students

Choosing a study program in another country is difficult, especially when you are not familiar the schools and universities on offer, their reputation, entry requirements, or exact location. The enrolment process can be very complicated too. ISENZ is here to advise and guide you through this process, making it as easy as possible for you to realise your dream of studying in New Zealand. Contact us today, to find out how we can help you.

Here are some ways in which you will benefit by using our services:

We don't cost you anything

Save money with ISENZ. We provide advice and guidance free of charge and find the institution that is best suited to your requirements.

Plenty of choice

ISENZ has an extensive education network in NZ. We can enrol you at universities, polytechnics, language schools, and high schools.

We'll match you to the best course or institution

Our ability to find the best course and best institution for you ensures that you have a successful experience in New Zealand.

We can arrange accommodation

Through our institutions we can arrange accommodation to suit your needs (hostel, homestay or self catering) while you stay in New Zealand.

You will be met on arrival

We arrange for students to be met on arrival at your chosen study destination, making them feel welcome.

Free enrolment processing

ISENZ will process your enrolment application free of administration charges. However, individual instutitions may charge an application fee.

We provide ongoing support

We provide ongoing support during your time in NZ. Many students come to us for guidance and assistance years after arriving into the country. We are there to help and advise.

We'll connect you with a student visa advisor

On request, we will give you access to a registered and highly experienced Immigration Advisor to assist you with your student visa application. Our advisor offers ISENZ this service for a reduced fee.

We can place you in most NZ institutions

We’re able to enrol students in a large number of schools and institutions around New Zealand. You tell us which one you want to attend, and we will negotiate entry.

Study in one of the most beautiful countries in the world

You can receive a world class education, while studying in one of the safest and most beautiful countries in the world.

We can show you around NZ

ISENZ offers holiday trips for high school students who want to explore New Zealand and Australia. Trips usually coincide with school holidays, and are run by trained teachers. Trip costs are additional.

Get a world class education

Research on high school students in over 40 OECD countries including the US, UK, Australia, Canada and many countries in Europe, consistently shows that NZ students perform with the best in the world.

Find out more

There are many other reasons why you should use our services. If you want to know more about how ISENZ can help you, please contact us.